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A-Z of clients and examples of projects over the last twenty years

Red square bullet point Amnesty International - auditing website
Red square bullet point Association of Charitable Foundations - designing and producing publications; editing members' magazine Trust and Foundation News; writing news and feature articles
Red square bullet point Bafta - writing and editing annual review
Red square bullet point Bassac - editing magazine and e-newsletters
Red square bullet point Black Training and Enterprise Group – proofreading material
Red square bullet point Bliss - editing annual review
Red square bullet point British Association for Adoption and Fostering – researching and writing three books
Red square bullet point British Polio Fellowship - designing and editing bi-monthly magazine and producing publications
Red square bullet point Catch22 – writing and designing an impact report and case studies
Red square bullet point The Charity for Civil Servants – writing fundraising material and editing and designing impact report
Red square bullet point Co-Operative Systems – editing and designing news bulletin
Red square bullet point Department for Business, Innovation and Skills - writing and editing numerous reports, case studies and other documents; proofreading
Red square bullet point Dignity in Dying – editing and writing stories for newsletter
Red square bullet point English Tourism Council - advising on publications strategy; designing and editing bi-monthly magazine NewsETC; editing and proofreading innumerable reports
Red square bullet point Every Action Counts website - writing regular news and features
Red square bullet point Fostering Network – writing features for its magazine
Red square bullet point G3 magazine - writing news features
Red square bullet point Guidestar - writing publicity material
Red square bullet point London Development Agency - writing toolkit on volunteering
Red square bullet point London Funders – designing leaflet and poster; proofreading; writing meeting report
Red square bullet point Macmillan Cancer Support – providing interim cover during staff absence
Red square bullet point Mental Health Foundation - editing various reports
Red square bullet point National Council for Voluntary Organisations – writing news and feature articles; editing reports
Red square bullet point Newsdesk Communications - writing numerous reports and interviews; layout and production of large magazines
Red square bullet point Parkinson's Disease Society - writing report
Red square bullet point Paul Hamlyn Foundation – writing case studies and helping to edit the annual review
Red square bullet point People in Aid – editing an online staff handbook
Red square bullet point Performance Hub - writing guidelines to benchmarking
Red square bullet point Philanthropy Impact’s website - writing news and features for e-bulletins and website
Red square bullet point Pilotlight – editing website and writing case studies
Red square bullet point Queen's Awards Office - writing profiles of winners
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The Stroke Association - writing case studies and designing a brochure

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The Tubney Charitable Trust editing the Trust's final report Giving our all: reflections of a spend out charity

Red square bullet point Voluntary Sector magazine - writing features and helping with commissioning
Red square bullet point Volunteering England - editing magazine, writing toolkit on volunteering, editing publication on Volunteers and the Law

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